(671) 653-2584 ourlady.yigo@gmail.com

Introductory Rite:
God, come to my assistance R/ Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
R/ as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.

Let the valleys be raised, and the mountains made low,
Every meadow and field overturn.
Make the pathway straight; and the highway run smooth,
For the coming of God in our day.
God has come to His people,
As He promised of old.
He has raised up a Saviour,
In the sight of us all.

You little child, go before Him,
Like the prophets of old.
Bringing news of His coming,
By the mercy of God.
God has come like the morning,
On the darkness of night.
As a light to the people,
Like the breaking of day.


Antiphon 1  Lord, you have blessed your land; you have forgiven the sins of your people.

Psalm 85

O Lord, you once favored your land
and revived the fortunes of Jacob,
you forgave the guilt of your people
and covered all their sins.
You averted all your rage,
you calmed the heat of your anger.

Revive us now, God, our helper!
Put an end to your grievance against us.
Will you be angry with us for ever,
will your anger never cease?

Will you not restore again our life
that your people may rejoice in you?
Let us see, O Lord, your mercy
and give us your saving help.

I will hear what the Lord God has to say,
a voice that speaks of peace,
peace for his people and his friends
and those who turn to him in their hearts.
His help is near for those who fear him
and his glory will dwell in our land.

Mercy and faithfulness have met;
justice and peace have embraced.
Faithfulness shall spring from the earth
and justice look down from heaven.

The Lord will make us prosper
and our earth shall yield its fruit.
Justice shall march before him
and peace shall follow his steps. Glory…

Psalm Prayer: Show us your mercy, Lord; our misery is known to us. May no evil desires prevail over us, for your glory and love dwell in our hearts.

Antiphon 1 Lord, you have blessed your land; you have forgiven the sins of your people.

Antiphon 2  My soul has yearned for you in the night, and as morning breaks, I watch for your coming.

Isaiah 26:1b-4,7-9,12

A strong city have we;
he sets up walls and ramparts to protect us.
Open up the gates
to let in a nation that is just,
one that keeps faith.

A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace;
in peace, for its trust in you.
Trust in the Lord forever!
For the Lord is an eternal Rock.

The way of the just is smooth;
the path of the just you make level.
Yes, for your way and your judgments, O Lord,
we look to you;
Your name and your title
are the desire of our souls.

My soul yearns for you in the night,
yes, my spirit within me keeps vigil for you;
When your judgment dawns upon the earth,
the world’s inhabitants learn justice.
O Lord, you mete out peace to us,
for it is you who have accomplished all we have done. Glory…

Antiphon 2 My soul has yearned for you in the night, and as morning breaks, I watch for your coming.

Antiphon 3  Lord, let the light of your face shine upon us.

Psalm 67

O God, be gracious and bless us
and let your face shed its light upon us.
So will your ways be known upon earth
and all nations learn your saving help.

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.

Let the nations be glad and exult
for you rule the world with justice.
With fairness you rule the peoples,
you guide the nations on earth.

Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.

The earth has yielded its fruit
for God, our God, has blessed us.
May God still give us his blessing
till the ends of the earth revere him. Glory…

Psalm Prayer: Be gracious and bless us, Lord, and let your face shed its light on us, so that we can make you know with reverence and bring forth a harvest of justice.

Antiphon 3  Lord, let the light of your face shine upon us.

Opening Prayer (please stand)
All sit for the Liturgy of the Word.

INTERCESSIONS (Universal Prayer)
God the almighty Father stretches forth his hand again to take possession of the remnant of his people. Let us make our prayer to him:
        Lord, may your kingdom come.
Lord, grant that our works of penance may please you,
 – And that we may be ready for your kingdom which is so near.
Prepare a path in our hearts for the coming of your Word,
 – And let his glory be revealed among us.
Bring low the mountains of our pride,
 – And fill up the valleys of our weakness.
Break down the wall of hatred that divides the nations,
 – And make level for mankind the paths to peace.

O God, who through your Only Begotten Son
have made us a new creation,
look kindly, we pray,
on the handiwork of your mercy,
and at your Son’s coming
cleanse us from every stain of the old way of life.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

(All are seated for the Liturgy of the Eucharist)

Lord’s PrayerPater noster, qui es in cælisSanctificétur nomen tuumAdvéniat regnum tuumFiat volúntas tuaSicut in cælo et in terraPanem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie Et dimítte nobis débita nostraSicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónemSed libera nos a malo

After Holy Communion, all stand for the Benedictus.

BENEDICTUS/Canticle of Zachariah Benedictus – Luke 1: 68-79

Antiphon: From the root of Jesse a flower will blossom, the glory of the Lord will fill the earth, and all creatures shall see the saving power of God. 

(While making the Sign of the Cross, we pray the following)
Blest be the God of Israel who comes to set us free
and raises up new hope for us: a Branch for David’s tree.
So have the prophets long declared that with a mighty arm
God would turn back our enemies and all who wish us harm
With promised mercy will God still the covenant recall,
the oath once sworn to Abraham from foes to save us all;
that we might worship without fear and offer lives of praise,
in holiness and righteousness to serve God all our days.

My child, as prophet of the Lord you will prepare the way,
to tell God’s people they are saved from sin’s eternal sway.
Then shall God’s mercy from on high shine forth and never cease
to drive away the gloom of death and lead us into peace.
Antiphon: From the root of Jesse a flower will blossom, the glory of the Lord will fill the earth, and all creatures shall see the saving power of God. 

Prayer After Communion

Novena to St. Anthony of Padua

Dismissal & Final Blessing

Santos mame man sen oppan
I checho’mu asta pago.
Tayuyute San Antonio I mananga giya hago.

Kinse anos I sakanmu anae mapo hao senmagof guato giman Agostinu ya ungagao ya un hago, I untatanga la abmam I sinantos na magagu.

An malofan talo ocho ileg I Saena nu hago; na unhalom Franciskano; magin ayo gefmatagu un dalalake humasngon I gos makat na Tinagu.