(671) 653-2584 ourlady.yigo@gmail.com

Introductory Rite:
God, come to my assistance R/ Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
R/ as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.

  1. Faith of our fathers, living still,
    In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword;
    Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy
    Whene’er we hear that glorious word.

Faith of our fathers, holy faith,
We will be true to thee till death!

  1. Faith of our fathers, we will strive
    To win all nations unto thee,
    And thru the truth that comes from God,
    Mankind shall then be truly free.

3. Faith of our fathers, we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife,
And preach thee, too, as love knows how,
By kindly words and virtuous life.


Antiphon 1: I have prayed for you, Peter, that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned to me, you must strengthen the faith of your brothers.

Psalm 116:10-19

I trusted, even when I said:

I am sorely afflicted,

and when I said in my alarm:

No man can be trusted.

How can I repay the Lord
for his goodness to me?
The cup of salvation I will raise;
I will call on the Lord’s name.

My vows to the Lord I will fulfill
before all his people.
O precious in the eyes of the Lord
is the death of his faithful.

Your servant, Lord, your servant am I;
you have loosened my bonds.
A thanksgiving sacrifice I make;
I will call on the Lord’s name.

My vows to the Lord I will fulfill
before all his people,
in the courts of the house of the Lord,
in your midst, O Jerusalem. Glory…

Antiphon 1: I have prayed for you, Peter, that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned to me, you must strengthen the faith of your brothers.

Antiphon 2  Willingly I boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may live in me. 

Psalm 126

When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage,
it seemed like a dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter,
on our lips there were songs.

The heathens themselves said: “What marvels
the Lord worked for them!”
What marvels the Lord worked for us!
Indeed we were glad.

Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage
as streams in dry land.
Those who are sowing in tears
will sing when they reap.

They go out, they go out, full of tears,
carrying seed for the sowing:
they come back, they come back, full of song,
carrying their sheaves.Glory…

Antiphon 2  Willingly I boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may live in me. 

.Antiphon 3:  You are shepherd of the flock, the prince of the apostles; to you were entrusted the keys of the kingdom of heaven. 

Ephesians 1:3-10

Praised be the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has bestowed on us in Christ
every spiritual blessing in the heavens.

God chose us in him
before the world began
to be holy
and blameless in his sight,
to be full of love.

He predestined us
to be his adopted sons through Jesus Christ,
such was his will and pleasure,
that all might praise the glorious favor
he has bestowed on us in his beloved.

In him and through his blood,we have been redeemed,
and our sins forgiven,
so immeasurably generous
is God’s favor to us.

God has given us the wisdom
to understand fully the mystery,
the plan he was pleased
to decree in Christ.

A plan to be carried out
in Christ, in the fullness of time,
to bring all things into one in him,
in the heavens and on earth.  Glory…

Antiphon 3:  You are shepherd of the flock, the prince of the apostles; to you were entrusted the keys of the kingdom of heaven. 

Gloria (stand)
All sit for the Liturgy of the Word.

After the Homily:

INTERCESSIONS (Universal Prayer)
The Lord Jesus built his holy people on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. In faith, let us pray:
          Lord, come to the aid of your people.
You once called Simon, the fisherman, to catch men,

  • now summon new workers who will bring the message of salvation to all peoples. You calmed the waves so that your followers would not be drowned,

    • guard your Church, protect it from all dangers. You gathered your scattered flock around Peter after the resurrection,

      • good Shepherd, bring together all your people as one flock. You sent Paul as apostle to preach the Good News to the Gentiles,

        • let the word of salvation be proclaimed to all mankind. You gave the keys of your kingdom into the hands of your holy Church,

          • open the gates of that kingdom to all who trusted in your mercy while on earth.

Presider: God our Father,
today you give us the joy of celebrating the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul.
Through them your Church first received the faith.
Keep us true to their teaching.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
(All are seated for the Liturgy of the Eucharist)

Lord’s Prayer
Pater noster, qui es in cælis
Sanctificétur nomen tuum
Advéniat regnum tuum
Fiat volúntas tua
Sicut in cælo et in terra
Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie
Et dimítte nobis débita nostra
Sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris
Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem
Sed libera nos a malo

After Holy Communion, all stand for the Magnificat.

MAGNIFICAT (Canticle of Mary)
Antiphon: Peter the Apostle and Paul the teacher of the Gentiles taught us your law, O Lord.

(Luke 1: Magnificat by Bernadette Farrell: Breaking Bread Music Issue #825)

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
my spirit sings to God, my saving God,
who on this day above all others favored me
and raised me up, a light for all to see.

Through me great deeds will God make manifest,
and all the earth will come to call me blest.
Unbounded love and mercy sure will I proclaim
for all who know and praise God´s holy name.

God´s mighty arm, protector of the just,
will guard the weak and raise them from the dust.
But mighty kings will swiftly fall from thrones corrupt.
The strong brought low, the lowly lifted up.

Soon will the poor and hungry of the earth
be richly blest, be given greater worth.
And Israel, as once foretold to Abraham,
will live in peace throughout the promised land.

All glory be to God, Creator blest,
to Jesus Christ, God´s love made manifest,
and to the Holy Spirit, gentle Comforter,
all glory be, both now and ever more.

Antiphon: Peter the Apostle and Paul the teacher of the Gentiles taught us your law, O Lord.

Holy Communion
Final Blessing/Dismissal